Thank you for agreeing to participate in our application.
Before we start, we'd like for you to read the informed consent information below. Informed consent refers to the voluntary choice of an individual to participate in research based on an accurate and complete understanding of its purposes, procedures, risks, benefits, and alternatives. The survey will be completely anonymous and voluntary. We do not ask or identify any individuals who plan to participate in this survey. If you have any questions before completing this survey, please contact the investigator, Philip Feldman at
Informed consent:

You must be of 18 years or older to participate in this survey.
The purpose of this study is to determine effective ways to anonymously report trustworthy news. You are being asked to volunteer because we are seeking as wide a diversity of participants as possible and you will be asked to describe something(s) that you've seen or experienced that you consider newsworthy. Your interaction may take as little or as much time as you like. Feel free to come back as often or seldom as you want.
There are no known risks involved in completing the survey. There are no tangible benefits for completing the survey, but you may help to produce technologies that will allow people to report the news from scary places without fear of retaliation.
Participation is entirely voluntary; you may at any time withdraw from participation.
All data obtained will be anonymous. There is no way for us to find out who you are, and your data will not be shared with any other parties under any circumstance
This study has been reviewed and approved by the UMBC Institutional Review Board (IRB). A representative of that Board, from the Office for Research Protections and Compliance, is available to discuss the review process or my rights as a research participant. Contact information of the Office is (410) 455-2737 or
After reading the consent items, please enter the text and click "I Agree" to get started with the application. If you'd like to leave the application at any time, just click "Exit".